Hello New York, Hello London, Hello Berlin

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Tina Sunrise 255

Happy New Year Everybody! We would like to wish you all a healthy & very happy new year 2015! We wish it will bring you peace and joy wherever you are in the world. A big thank for being that many to follow the blog again this year! Now, let’s cross fingers 2015 also brings us some Tina news…

Until then, and to celebrate the new year, a new upload, and a funny one, Tina receiving Berolina Awards in 1987. Being held in Germany while Tina was on tour in Canada, a satellite connection had to be established between presenter Thomas Gottschalk and Tina. Unfortunately, technical issues are gonna spice up things a little bit… Watch it here with English subtitles! A big thanks to Anja for the transcription!

12 Replies to “Hello New York, Hello London, Hello Berlin”

  1. Ciao tina turner ti faccio I miei auguri di un felice anno nuovo sia ate e alla tua famiglia ciao da devis tu per me sarai sempre simply The Best ciao e buona notte mia Tina Turner


  2. heuuu … c’est quoi ces mots qui change quand on publie le message ? comme ( redingote ) et ( coup de poing ) c’est quoi ? c’est une plaisanterie ???


  3. Hello and god bless you aways ,I know of your music all my life but never really a fan of yours I never really looked into your story until recently. And became a fan

    I to sing but not professionally just in church and for friends and I do it on my own because I enjoy
    but when I watched a video I realized I have a similar spirit when I sing as you. Its just a sing from within sorta thing. I wish I looked into your music sooner. I probably could have learned so much from you

    Well God bless you and your family

    I wish I could sing with you it would be so fun, But maybe when we are in heaven. Lol

    All the blessings to you, Art


  4. Have all way’s been a fan of your and all way’s will God bless you and your family I know I have every song you have sang. Love you Lady keep looking good!


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