TINA: Lotus Sutra / Purity of Mind

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The meaning of the Lotus Sutra is ‘I devote my life to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra’.

It is the royal sutra of Nichiren Buddhism in Japan (1253). Coming from India to China and then to Japan, the prayer was translated from the Sanskrit word ‘Saddharma-pundarikasutra’ first into classical Chinese as ‘Miao-fa Lien-hua Ching’ and then into an ancient form of Japanese as ‘Myoho Renge Kyo’.

The word ‘Nam’ derives from the Sanskrit ‘names’ and means ‘devotion’. It is placed before the name of all deities when worshipping them.

‘Myo’ is the name given to the mystic nature of life and ‘Ho’ to its manifestation.

‘Renge’ means lotus flower. The beautiful and undefiled Lotus blooms in a muddy swamp with all the obstacles against it. It symbolizes the emergence of our Buddha nature from the everyday problems and desires of ordinary life. ‘Renge’ stands also for the simultaneity of cause and effect, because the lotus puts forth its flower and seedpod at the same time.

‘Kyo’ literally means sutra, the voice, and teaching of the Buddha.
It also means sound rhythm or vibration and therefore it might be interpreted to indicate the practice of chanting. Since everything in the universe is connected through sound waves, ‘Kyo »refers to the life activity of universal phenomena and indicates that everything is a manifestation of the Mystic Law.

‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ is the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra. An explanation can help you understand, but the Sutra can only be fully appreciated through chanting it.


‘However you must do it, to truly understand. When you say ‘Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ it will slowly remove all of the bad decisions you have ever made. The more you repeat the words the more you make your life clearer. The more you chant it the closer you get to your true nature. Your true nature is the right way of thinking and the right way of acting. The longer you go on this path, the more you avoid making wrong decisions. The Lotus Sutra helps me in my daily life. It is indeed mystical! And my life has proven this!’

GET ‘BEYOND (2009)

Video: Xaver Walser
Music: Regula Curti & Roland Frey (NJP Studio Zurich)
Album Producers: Erwin Bach & Beat Curti

‘Awakening Beyond’: Coming 2017!


6 Replies to “TINA: Lotus Sutra / Purity of Mind”

  1. Hello! Thank you very much for your post , I know the Lotus Sutra very well, I’ve been practicing for 22 years and very very happy to do that ❤❤ Il giorno sab 4 mar 2017 alle 16:02 Tina Turner Blog ha scritto:

    > Ben posted: “https://youtu.be/OBgN849_nOs The meaning of the Lotus Sutra > is ‘I devote my life to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra’. It is the royal > sutra of Nichiren Buddhism in Japan (1253). Coming from India to China and > then to Japan, the prayer was translated f” >


  2. Hello, I am very interested to have a letter and the meaning for Purity of Mind – Lotus Sutra.
    Tks a lot


  3. Moltes gràcies Tina!, és preciós aquest mantra, no puc deixar d’escoltar-lo!!!, em va molt bé per reconfortar l’ànima, que aquests dies ho estem passant tan malament a Catalunya per la situació política i la falta de respecte a la llibertat d’expressió… Música que sana l’ànima!
    Muchas gracias Tina! es precioso este mantra, no puedo dejar de escucharlo!!! me va muy bien para reconfortar mi alma, que estos días lo pasamos tan mal en Catalunya por la situación política y la falta de respeto.. música que sana el alma!


  4. Dear Tina, I am listening to this mantra very often and it touches me deeply. I thank you for that!! Through my shamanic training I learned about Nam myo ho Renge Kyo. But also the prayers in between you pray, are touching me deeply. And I would love to learn the text of them. I would love to be able to pray these prayers like you do. I looked for the text. Can find some chapters of the lotus sutra but not the text you pray(sing) with the pronouncing like you do. Where can I find it? Is there a way to get the prayers and how did you learn them? Really, my deep compliments and gratitude. Thank you, thank you. With love and hoping to hear from you.
    Ps. Also the peace mantra is so deeply touching. May Peace prevail on Mother Earth.


  5. So grateful to you. This chanting has been more than helpful. It has been one of the most important pieces of information in my life. Your music and devotion in this chant is beyond life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    Elizabeth De Trejo
    International School of the Voice


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