Never in my wildest dreams would I ever thought of being awarded for the TINA Blog but it did happen earlier this week. After reaching the decisive level of 100,000 subscribers on Youtube a couple of months ago, the tech company sent this wonderful token called a Silver Play Button. Although I am totally aware that it is TINA’s work that is being recognized here, it is still an exciting moment for me and this would have never been possible without each and every one of you! So a big warm thank you for that! With now 130K subscribers on Youtube, 375K on Facebook and 8K on Twitter, the blog reaches more than half a million TINA fans around the globe. Let’s make it a million in the coming years!
TINA BLOG Youtube Award
Moreover, you might have noticed that the TINA Blog layout changed recently. With new graphics, it has also been upgraded to a higher web plan and is now free of all commercials. The ads appearing before were generated by WordPress (who was the getting the money for it) but now they are gone. It has a cost of course, but nothing is too good for TINA and her fans!

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And finally, while our idol was turning seventy-eight last weekend, fans were once again gathered in Amsterdam for the 8th annual fans party. Both evenings were really successful and for our last year in the Dutch capital, the TINA Family got even bigger with the presence of a lot of newbies! We welcome them with Open Arms and hope to see even more new fans next year!
Next stop: London, where we will all meet again in March 2018 at the time of the opening of the new TINA Musical. Stay tuned for more information on this event soon!

Once again, a big Thank You to all of you for your support over the years, it fuels my enthusiasm to continue!
Love and Light to All! ❤️

And a personal message to Miss Tina: I can hand deliver (after 12am of course) the Youtube Award in Zurich under 24h!

41 Replies to “TINA Blog Awarded”

  1. Félicitations Ben, tu le mérites
    Merci, mille mercis pour ton travail et tous ces formidables articles sur Tina.
    Je te souhaite de très belles fêtes de fin d’année.
    Ludo From France.


    1. Bonjour Ludo et merci pour ton com adorable! Je te souhaite de très belles fêtes pour toi et les tiens également et j’espère à bientôt! Bises! 🙂


    1. Thanks for your message and kind words Gregor! This blog is my passion, I love writing about TINA and love even more reading that people appreciate it so a big thanks for that! 🙂


  2. Ben💕💕Merci pour tout le travail que vous faites pour ce site👏C’est avec force et courage que je vous remercie et vous envoie des énergies positives pour la suite💞On vous aime ça💞Un grand merci💞


    1. Bonjour Pol! Merci pour tes encouragement continus et ton soutien, ça fait chaud au coeur et donne l’envie de continuer! Je te souhaite de belles fêtes de fin d’année pour toi et tes proches! Bises! 🙂


    1. Thank you Miss Laurel, I am always humble when TINA’s biggest fans acknowledge my work and you are maybe the most respected and appreciated person among the TINA Family so again a big thanks for your always kind words, your encouragement and continued support! I love you! ❤️


    1. haha indeed Christl! Couldn’t believe it but that was a great surprise and a new item to put into the TINA vaults 😀 Thanks for commenting! Best!


  3. Ben you are beyond SUPAH! Congratulations on a very SPECIAL AWARD that is SO VERY DESERVED. You have devoted so much Tina love, time and effort to HER, to her fans, fan family, this amazing blog and it means so much to me to see you being recognized for that love and the work that you do for Tina and all of us. I’m so happy for you and so very proud of you. We WILL CELEBRATE in March :-)!


    1. Awwww Deb! You brought tears to my eyes, I feel so blessed and honored to have friends like you in my life! Your words are always comforting and encouraging, they truly means a lot to me and warms my hear! March couldn’t come fast enough, can’t wait to give the biggest hug ever! Love you Deb, take care and see you soon! ❤️


  4. So so happy for you my dear Ben! A very well deserved award! Not only for our Queen and her mangnificent work, but also for your exquisite and constant labour! Love & Happiness!!


    1. Thank you Stephen! Much appreciated coming from a huge TINA fan like you! Glad you enjoy the efforts put into the blog, it is for fans like you! Best! 🙂


  5. Ben, thank you for all your hard work. The effort you put into the blog, is simply the best. I just wanted to let you know – that some of Tina’s more casual fans really appreciate it. You deserve a personal invite to Zurich and the red carpet at Küsnacht.


    1. Thank You Madame Fan Club President 🙂 Was awesome seeing you again in Amsterdam Elle, and I look forward to seeing you again in 2018! Best wishes to you and your family for the upcoming Holidays! 💋


  6. Bonjour Ben,
    Je prend enfin le temps de te féliciter pour ce prix . Bravo et mille fois MERCI ! Cette récompense est amplement méritée vu le travail immense que cela doit demander. Je lis le blog depuis plusieurs années maintenant et j’y prends toujours autant de plaisir, voir de plus en plus. Bravo pour savoir se renouveler et toujours nous surprendre ! Le partage de tous ces articles, tes réponses régulières aux personnes qui laissent un commentaire …. Bravo !
    Félicitations, comme pour un mariage, entre ton site et les fans de Tina.
    Merci pour tout le temps passer à nous faire plaisir.
    Suis un fan féru de Tina. Je serai à la première de Tina The musical; j’espère avoir le plaisir de te saluer .


    1. Bonsoir Jean!

      Merci beaucoup pour ton com’ et pour tes encouragements! Toujours heureux de lire des retours de fan qui apprécie le site!
      C’est génial que tu sois là pour la première du Musical! Nous allons surement orgarniser une petite fête pour se réunir entre fans après le show! Si jamais tu es intéréssé, je posterai plus d’info sur le blog dès qu’on aura résérvé un endroit!
      Encore merci pour ton mess et je te souhaite de bonnes et heureuses fêtes pour toi et les tiens! A bientôt! Ben


      1. Suis véritablement partant pour une petite fête après ! Tu peux compter sur moi (Je ne suis jamais venu pour la fête annuelle organisée à Amsterdam … et je ne connais pas grand monde non plus lol). Je serai ravi de rencontrer d’autres fans aussi, partager tout ce que l’on collectionne, parler de cette comédie musicale, la comparer à Soul Sister etc …. 🙂
        Excellentes fêtes de fin d’année aussi !


  7. Wooow! Very very well deserved it! congratulations! And Thank you very much for your fantastic work!😊😊👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


  8. Thank you for all the time you spend on keeping Tina fans informed. I love all the Tina memorabilia in the background of your picture! I will try to send of a picture of my Tina collection to you. I am from Greensboro, North Carolina USA and have been a Tina fan since I was 16.


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