On the sad day the world bid farewell to one of music’s most legendary and influential figures, our beloved idol Tina Turner, the news of her passing reverberated across the globe, prompting an outpouring of grief and appreciation for her remarkable career.

As the media mourned the loss of this extraordinary artist, headlines, and tributes filled the pages, capturing the essence of Tina Turner’s indomitable spirit and her lasting impact on the music industry. Tina’s influence extended far beyond her time in the spotlight. Her distinctive style, unforgettable dance moves, and soulful voice became synonymous with strength, passion, and empowerment.

Tina Turner’s music transcended borders and touched the lives of countless fans worldwide. As news of her death spread, social media platforms became flooded with heartfelt messages, personal anecdotes, and tributes from fans sharing how her music had affected their lives. Not only fans but politicians, actors, performers… I don’t think there’s a single artist that somehow didn’t mention Tina. It’s almost impossible to compile them all.

The global press covered these emotional reactions, reflecting the universal love and admiration that Turner garnered throughout her career.

Beyond her musical talents, Tina Turner’s personal journey resonated deeply with many. Her tumultuous relationship with Ike Turner, detailed in her autobiography “I, Tina,” brought to light issues of domestic abuse and inspired others to seek liberation and empowerment. Turner’s resilience in overcoming adversity served as a beacon of hope for individuals facing their own struggles, making her an inspiration not only in the realm of music but also in the broader realm of personal triumph.

No doubt more tributes and magazine covers will keep on coming. Check out TinaTurnerBlog on social media to keep in touch.

24 Replies to “World’s Tributes To TINA”

    1. There’s was not denial in her illness. We accepted her humanity with dignity – and that was our love for her often times protecting her privacy and not exploiting her weakness. Tina Turner’s legacy will be epic and it’s beautiful to see the outpouring of respect and love that she gave to the world. It crossed generation, language, race and time like the artist she became. Thank you for your contributions and we walk in the spirit of love.


  1. I can’t and won’t comprehend that this Icon who thaught Mick Jagger to dance, passed away… I’ve been following her since the time of the cassettes and my walkman, can you imagine…? In the backseat of the car listening to Tina, in my bed … I must have been 16 then.. now I am 56 y old… I known all her movements, the way she talked… No, to me, Tina Turner lives on forever….


  2. Tina, You have inspired and uplifted me and I will miss you. Thank you for the gift of your voice, your music, your soul and your life. Love, Anne M. in Maryland ♥️🌻


  3. My idol, my inspiration, the lovely, talented lady that provided me with courage & solace when ever I needed it has passed through this world. She left her regal presence on thousands & thousands of fans world-wide. I was crushed that I never had the opportunity to meet her but I did express my tremendous love & respect to her in many notes through out the years. There will never be another to inspire the way she inspired me !! Forever in my heart & thoughts of the strength she displayed, both on & off the stage. May GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR LOVED ONES.


  4. Tina est partie, mon cœur est si triste, elle me manque tellement ….
    Ben, comment allons nous faire sans elle ??? Dis moi …….


  5. I have been devastated by this news as a lifelong Tina fan.I have been dreading this day for nearly 40 years.I am hoping us fans can get together occcasionally to celebrate Tina’s life.


  6. Tina was the most talented and energetic performer that I’ve ever seen. My Daughter Angel surprised me with tickets to see her final performance in Cleveland OH and we enjoyed every moment.
    We love you Tina ❤️🙏❤️


  7. I am alive today, because when i eas at my lowest point in life ready to toss in the towel, my ear caught a special song on the radio. Song title withholding for personal reasons.
    Was an remarkable voice that captured me to stop and listen to every word. It was as though Tina Turner was singing directly to me.
    It opened my eyes seeing things I have seen before. From that moment on whenever i was down, lonely, broke, what ever it was I found inspiration, direction, and purpose. I can not express the gratefulness and respect i have for the queen of rock and roll.
    Tina you saved the life of a worthless lost soul and made me realise i was worthy of a life and a chance.
    Fly free my queen, you have obtained Nirvana which you so richly deserve.
    As one of your millions of loyal subjects you shall live in my heart ❤️ and soul. Thank you.


  8. Merci Benᰔᩚpour ce petit reportage si touchant😯tu sais faire passer les messages les plus sincères. Merci Anna Mae❥pour ton voyage spirituel qui nous emmène très loinᥫ᭡Je t’aime avec force et énergie⚡On continuera à chanter ton prénom sur les plus hautes montagnes du monde🌏Je taime❦❧☙ᰔᩚ


  9. No words can say how much Tina means to us all it so sad we shall keep her alive with her music we play xxx


  10. I have been into Tina since I was 11-12 & had a shrine in my bedroom to her, I am now 55 & am from New Zealand.🇳🇿
    I have some old Ike & Tina records too, only stopped playing them when I got older & found out what he did to her!!🤯
    Tina’s music & energy spoke to me & she was one talented & special being!! 🫶🏽👠🇳🇿
    I am still crying, I think it’s going to be a while before I can listen to her music without bawling. 😭😭😭
    I saw her in concert & she pointed to me when singing “You Better Be Good to Me!”
    (which I will be getting a tattoo of) & I nearly passed out!! 👀🫶🏽💜
    RIP Tina you gave me the best years of my life & will for eternity 🫶🏽👠💜🙏🏽🌟🌟🌟


  11. Never wanted to see this :TINA TURNER 1939-2023 . Because we believed or wanted her to be here more years. We didn’t want for her long life of suffer.No. but to be okey without suffer with more years. Swear believed she reach 100 years with all the sicknesses she fought. God Bless her. There is still pain in our hearts. Thank You Ben. Love Chen &Keren


    1. Ruhe in Frieden,
      Anna Mae 🎤
      Du warst die Beste als Künstlerin ,Mensch ,Idol ,Vorbild ,Freundin & wirst es viele nachkommende Generationen bleiben.🎼
      Danke Ben,
      für Deine sorgfältig ,mit Liebe zusammen gestellten Reportagen.
      In meiner Trauer hilft sicher nicht nur mir,
      in Deinem Blog ,
      Trost zu finden und gemeinsam diesen Verlust zu begreifen. Anna Mae ist vom Leid und Schmerz erlöst, hat ihr Nirvana gefunden 🙏 TIna bleibt forever 💗 Gott segne sie


  12. Madame TINA, vous avez passé des moments ” très bas… pour ,ensuite des moments très HAUTS, auxquels j’ai assisté à la télévision.
    De mes 78 ans, je ne n’avais vu un tel talent vocal et scénique.
    Merci Madame TINA… à jamais gravé dans mon COEUR… … 😥


  13. She’s gone 😢😢😢…. It’s too hard but Tina stay always in my heart.
    I will never forget her music, talent… She will stay always the best 😍


  14. I loved how Tina Turner escaped a male dominated world and created and controlled her own world, Tina Turner World! 💙 Proof in so many ways that you can leave, re-invent, no, let the real you shine and succeed. She proved that you just have to have deep rooted faith in your own abilities and just do it!
    Tina Turner. Simply the Best is a powerful, never ending phenomenal entity that will forever be present and loved deeply. ❤️ 💙 💜 💖


  15. dear ben

    I am so appreciative of your love of Tina 
    and your devotion to serve her and her fans. 
    as with so many 
    her passing is a Deep Loss in my heart 
    even though I imagine death frees her from her physical suffering 
    and now she lives in the Light … 
    then I think about you, 
    wondering how you feel about this Blog, 
    whether you will continue 
    or you want to eventually come to a close. 
    this maybe too early a question for you 
    but I feel caring of you, your love of Tina and your devotion to her. 
    and of course 
    as a fan / follower 
    I am not ready for the Blog to completely go silent 
    much love, ben 
    thank you for all you do for so many, 
    pui ming 


    Liked by 1 person

  16. Outpouring of grief felt by me.I loved her music and videos, but held great respect for her as a person. Tina will be missed but her legacy will never die. Thank you Tina for blessing my life in so many areas. Rest in Peace!!!


  17. I, like all of you, was devastated to learn of Tina’s passing. And like all of you there
    is an emptiness that comes with the passing of such an important role model. I have so
    many Tina stories but I don’t think I have enough space to share more than one.
    It’s July 1985 and Tina is booked into a medium sized club in Montreal but by the time she arrived to do the show Private Dancer was exploding up the charts and the club couldn’t accommodate the vast crowds of people who wanted to see her. She had to change the venue to The Montreal Forum.
    I knew Tina was staying just down the street from my place at The Four Seasons so I packed an overnight bag and checked in. I was flush with cash back then so I didn’t care what it took for me to connect with Tina, even if it was just to say hello it would have been enough. So I called a flower shop near the hotel and ordered a dozen red roses, then the clerk told me everyone was sending her roses, why don’t I send her something different? Reminding me she was a Buddhist he suggested sending her a dozen earth toned Orchids? What a genius he was! So I’m back at the hotel filling out a card for Tina when I dropped the pen behind a credenza. Moving it from against the wall I found a diamond earring on the ground. There was only one, just a solitary diamond. And believe me when I tell you it was NOT small! I had a designer friend who made me 2 pairs of pajamas using a silk like fabric, and he also made matching robes as well. I don’t remember how I found out what room she was in, I think I bribed the bellman. That night while she was performing the bellman took all my gifts and put them on a chair in her suite so she couldn’t miss them when she got back. I knew she was checking out the next morning and I still hadn’t made contact. Then I did something so stupid I still feel bad about it 35 years later. I didn’t want to wake her up so on checkout day I waited until 12:30 before calling her. When she picked up the phone and heard my voice she said “please” before hanging up. I was fit to be tied, I did the one thing I promised myself I wouldn’t do…I woke her up! But Tina had a surprise for me. When I checked out the front desk handed me an envelope and inside was a black and white photo taken from the Private Dancer, it was extra special to me because it was a photo I’d never seen before. I want to tell you how important Tina was to me. When I was 14 I came out to my family. Two days later my father told me to get in the car, I had no idea where we were going or why. It was raining hard that day so I didn’t notice until it was too late that my father was having me committed to a mental hospital in Toronto. When we pulled up to the main building I noticed two people standing just inside the door. When my Dad’s car stopped they both came out. It was a doctor and a nurse and they were there to “facilitate my transfer” The nurse went around to my father’s side where he handed her a small bag of clothing and toiletries. I had no idea it was even there because it was hidden under his seat.Then the doctor opened my door but I refused to get out unless my Dad came in with me. When it became obvious my father would not be coming in I got out of the car and was standing there in the pouring rain begging him not to leave me there. I could tell by his eyes that he was already a million miles away. He simply turned around and left me there. As he was driving away I saw him looking at me in his rear view mirror. I could never understand why he refused to come in with me. I thought maybe it was easier for him to detach himself because I was adopted, maybe his feelings didn’t run as deep as they might have were I his biological son? I was thinking another reason he didn’t want to come in was because he knew the kind of mental picture he would be left with for the rest of his life. From there I ran away to New York and have been on my own ever since. I can’t begin to tell you how much hope and how much comfort I got by watching Tina navigate the hard times in her life. She was a woman of grace and integrity. A woman of substance who showed the world how, by the power of your own determination, you too can overcome what hurts you the most. I know this e-mail is long but I hope you will post it Ben?


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