Happy birthday Miss Tina Turner! Today, rock and soul legend Tina Turner turns 73! Over the past weekend, over 50 fans from all over the world came together in Amsterdam to celebrate the Queen of Rock’s  anniversary, the high point being a special Tina Turner fan party on Saturday evening. The fans have put together this video to send their birthday wishes to Tina. Continue reading for more photos from the party weekend, and don’t forget to leave your birthday message by commenting on this post. Enjoy your special day, Tina!

33 Replies to “Happy birthday Miss Tina Turner!”

  1. Happy birthday Tina. Simply the best aux fans de Tina. Merci aux deux amours Ben & Sjef pour le partage des photos et pour tout le travail du blog.


  2. Ciao TINA TURNER ti faccio i miei auguri di un felice compleanno e di passare una felice giornata con i tuoi amici . Ma ti vorrei dire una cosa che tu perrme sarai sempre SIMPLY THE BEST ciè la migliore cantante del mondo intero che ha saputo scrivere delle canzzoni scritte con il cuore e con la passione che mette ogni giorno della giornata e ti mando un grande baccio e I LOVE YOU FOREVER . Ciao dal tuo grande fan da sempre mia unica TINA TURNER .


  3. When the dj announced celebrity birthdays on Monday, i stayed glued to the radio. I was particularly happy because hadn’t had the radio mention Tina’s birthday in the last 4 years or let me say i’ve been missing the birthday slot. They mentioned a hell of a lot of celebs this year and they obviously saved the best for last, mentioned a bit of Ike and they played Let’s Stay Together to sum it all up. When the dj mentioned her age, you could tell he was a bit surprised/shocked that Tina’s age had advanced so much, a lot of people think she’s still 50


  4. Kusse, Tina Turner! Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburstag und viel Gluck/ Erfoig im neuen Lebensjahr! Happy Birthday, much happiness and success in the New Year!


  5. Dear Miss Tina Turner, International Ikon & inspirational Soul …beyond all terrestrial boundaries – wishing you a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! I have been an admirer of your unique compassion, vocal & communicational talents during your illustrious career, & now with your Children Beyond initiative. A dear Friend in Zurich gave me the cd’s and I play them regularly to calm my soul … with kindest regards to you, an d best wishes for your wellbeing. Sincerely, Anna -“Simsannabim “, Extended Breathing Specialist in England


  6. i love you tina turner you are simply the best although i am dying you will alway be in my memories us fan from australia england we love you tina happy birthday karen


  7. Hi Tina happy birthday love mandy I’m 37 and I’ve love every song since I was 11 my mum and dad had it on and have ever since yr a legend I just wish I could make to a concert of r have ment u all the best for future my dear xx


  8. Happy Birthday Tina! Thank you for sharing your music, and thank you for sharing you life story with us as well. Your courage and talent are inspiring. Many more years of love, peace, happiness and health!


  9. Happy birthday to an absolute wonderful person. You have given me so many wonderful memories with your awesome talent. Wishing you many more wonderful years ahead


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