Tina Turner Regula Curti Dechen Shak Dagsay - Planting Seeds Of Mindfullness .jpeg

Planting Seeds of Mindfulness is an animated movie based on a bestselling book by world renowned zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.

The story: Jasper, age 16, a vietnamese- african- american teenager and his family has just moved to a new neighbourhood to be closer to Jasper´s charming and wise zen master like grandfather. At his new school, Jasper is confronted with bullying, anger and stress. Jasper uses the pebble meditation practice that his grandfather taught him to transform his relationships at school and at home.

What does it have to do with Tina Turner? Well first it is a wonderful project, Thich Nath Hanh is a well respected Zen Master, who had a tremendous life and now lives in Plum village in the south of France were people from around the world gather to receive his teachings.  And secondly, the songs of the album Children Beyond will be used as a soundtrack for the movie. Tina’s friends and collaborators on the Beyond albums,  Regula Curti & Dechen Shak-Dagsay even added their voices to two characters from the movie!

We wish the movie and everybody involved in it the best of luck!

Join Planting Seeds of Mindfulness Movie Facebook  and support the movie release by making a donation here!

GET ‘BEYOND (2009)

3 Replies to “Planting Seeds Of Mindfulness”

  1. Hi Tina thinking of you. Movie looks interesting. LOVE your chanting.
    Great life. Hope you continue to do well for long long time to come.
    Charlotte from Langley BC Canada outside of Vancouver and who experienced infinity. Calm healing forevernesd.


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