With only 7 days to go before TINA arrives on HBO next Saturday, the Rock legend has taken over New York!

First on Time Square where an enormous TINA billboard has been put on display to promote the upcoming documentary.

Looking incredible, it is a thrilling promotion for the most anticipated documentary of 2021!

On its side, the gobsmacking trailer for TINA has already reached 3.1M views on Youtube after only a week online, putting it already amongst the most watched videos of HBOs Youtube channel.

Furthermore, a new miracle is happening on 34Th street where the cover of Tina’s new book ‘Happiness Becomes You’ is proudly covering the walls of a huge building.

Thanks to Amazon’s editor’s pick and the mantra ‘Amplifying Women’s Voices’, the book, already a New York Times best-seller, will catch the attention of even more readers looking to improve themselves! Hope you all got your copies of this unique, heartfelt book.

Photo: Looping Group

Plus, the online promo for TINA is going full blast with lots of articles published recently. Here, a small selection:

There’s much more coverage available online from various sources, so if you just want more, head to Google News!

And last but not least, don’t forget that you can vote daily for TINA in the RockHall poll until April 30.

13 Replies to “TINA: Coming This Week!”

  1. Bien le bonjour a vous on a resu cette movaise nouvelle de votre part je suis triste notre rokeuse de diamand reposer vous bien et merci pour vos spectacle rock n roll toujour dans notre mémoire profiter bien de votre ropos aurevoire madame la rokeuse de Diamants.


    1. Thanks so much for updating us always on Tina I really appreciate it I’m sure if it’s on HBO that we might be able to pay for it somehow to watch it have a good week and keep healthy and safe


  2. I grew up with you being one of my greatest female inspirations Tina. I’m so happy you found freedom, happiness and true love. I’m looking very forward to this show. Bless you and thank you always. XO


  3. Just the thought of your life and the joy your voice has brought to so many is enough to bring warm tears flowing down my cheeks. You will be a legend for a time you will never see is your reward for leaving a mark on this world. I
    Will refuse to say goodbye for your life has become part of the fabric of my heart and soul. Alexa will always be my concert venue
    With your songs


  4. Madame, car nous devons dire Madame. Je ne vous ai vu qu’en vidéo sur YouTube, une voix, un jeu de scène Exceptionnel, Époustouflant, Féérique, Vous êtes là Seule à avoir atteint ce Haut Niveau. Au travers de vos Vidéos, j’ai vécu des moments Intenses, j’en ai même pleuré tellement Vous nous emmeniez avec Vous sur scène.
    J’espère, Madame, que vous allez vivre des Années heureuses, mais plus calme.
    Je vous envoi de France des Milliers de Bisous et je ne vous oublierai.JAMAIS !!!


  5. Thank You for your work Ben , and all the links here. Hope will be a dvd of the documentary.Long happy healthy life for Mrs Tina,Erwin and Fans


  6. Hi Ben , I hope you are keeping well. Any idea how us Europeans can watch the Tina doc? I’ve tried to work it out but alas no luck . If you know I’d appreciate it. X


    1. Je ne parle que Français !!

      Le sam. 10 avr. 2021 à 12:13, Tina Turner Blog a écrit :

      > Mara marangini commented: “Olá simplesmente a melhor, como consigo > assistir aqui no Brasil.” >


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