Tina Turner Birthday 2017 - 78 .jpg

November 26 is here! Time to celebrate the Queen of Rock and wish Miss Tina Turner a very happy and healthy 78 anniversary!
Fans from all over Europe are gathered in Amsterdam for the big celebrations organized every year and our party last night was fantastic again, I’ll report on that very soon!

Don’t forget today to join fans on Twitter & Facebook and use the hashtag #TINA78 to remind everyone that Tina fans still stand strong! In the meantime, you can also leave your Birthday Wishes to Tina in the comment section!

And since a birthday wouldn’t be complete without a present, here’s a little gift for the all the fans with this montage of TINA performing ‘Simply, The Best’ live in Arnhem, Holland back in 2009. The video montage is made from various performances from the tour and audio is from the concert on May 2nd, 2009 at the GelreDome in Arnhem!

31 Replies to “Happy Birthday TINA”

  1. Tina Turner Devine blessing we love u dearly – your work is truly amazing and empowering. 💃x


  2. Ciao Tina Turner ti faccio i miei auguri di buon compleanno e di una serena giornata di festa ciao da Devis dal tuo grande fan di sempre.


  3. Happy Birthday to dear TIna Turner.We love you.and wish you good health and happiness.enjoy everyday of your life.You gave and give so much happiness to many people.You deserve all the best.Love you Chen and Keren♡♡♡♡♡


  4. Our dear divine Tina, me and a lot of people all over the world are glad to know you are the beloved Queen of the singers and dancers of this planet and we know your spirituality


  5. Happy Birthday to the Queen of Eock n Roll , love u more u will ever know , thanks for getting me thru the hard and great times of my life !!!!muah !!!!


  6. Feliz aniversário, minha querida. Muita saúde. Parabéns por toda sua vida. Amo você. Ana (I’m from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro)


  7. Happy Birthday my dearest Ann-Mae Bullock! When God made you He was absolutely “showing off” I hope you know how rare and beautiful you are, and how LOVED you are!!! God bless you my friend with His Love! I hope I get to meet you one day!


  8. I am sure I was born in our Mother Earth because you will be here to brighten our lifes with your Marvelous Presence, love you dearest Tina!


  9. Dear Queen Tina. As a fellow Sagittarius we hope with the luck and wisdom of Jupiter, that the world will learn from us to see beyond the material into the realm of the Divine Love within for all. Happy belated Birthday🎈 my dearest Sag.
    Mine is tomorrow🌻🙏😉


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