Tina Turner’s wedding news (Updated July 19, 2013)

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Tina Turner & Erwin Bach at the "Legends Ball" May 14, 2005 © Sara De Boer / Retna Ltd
Tina Turner & Erwin Bach at the “Legends Ball” May 14, 2005
© Sara De Boer / Retna Ltd

So what we heard back in March is getting real next week: Tina Turner (73) and her longtime companion Erwin Bach (57) are finally getting married. Although Tina always stated that she would never marry again it looks like she has changed her mind. After relinquishing her U.S nationality for Swiss naturalisation earlier this year, the retired singer is putting everything in order in her life. Spending her life between her Swiss “Chateau Algonquin ” and her  Villa “Anna Fleur”  on the French riviera, Turner hasn’t record any new material since her 1999 album “Twenty Four Seven”. She made a last final tour back in 2008/2009 and totally vanished once again after it.

Now, worldwide medias  (Bunte magazine first) are reporting the news that Tina Turner and Erwin got married last month and were having a big celebration on July 21st 2013.

The Huffpost asks What’s love got to do with it?, the New York  Post  state that “the couple may also throw a wedding bash at their villa on the French Riviera” while Perez Hilton thinks that “Erwin Bach is Simply The Best guy out there”.

The Express  asked Tina about her relationship with Erwin, she says: “We are one!” And the star is as succinct about why she looks great for her age – “I enjoy life.”

All we know now is that Tina Turner marriage will be held at Chateau Algonquin in Kusnacht. The date is Sunday, July 21st 2013.

Dress code: White (except for Tina who will wear Armani in a color that will match the 70,000 red flowers she ordered…)

Expected Guests:  Giorgio Armani, Oprah Winfrey, Sophia Loren, Sade, David Bowie & Iman, Eros Ramazzotti, Regula Curti….

Style: The ceremony will be held in the buddhist way

Update: BUNTE Magazine reports that they are constructing a concert stage with Light- and soundsystems in the garden of Tina’s Zürich home. The neighbors already got letters in which Tina and Erwin apologize for possible noise. 120 guests are invited.

Oprah and Tina Turner’s favorite singer Sade are supposed to be among the other famous guests! Let’s bet Sade will perform a few songs for Tina!

If you want to send your Wedding wishes to Tina & Erwin, visit this FB page!

Tina Turner & Erwin Bach Wedding - Wishes Card

48 Replies to “Tina Turner’s wedding news (Updated July 19, 2013)”

  1. I wish Tina the best. I no longer yearn for Tina to go on tour (not to say I wouldn’t be the first in line to buy tickets if she decided to), instead I want to enjoy this new direction her career has taken in promoting her spiritual side and connecting the world.

    I think Oprah should tap Tina to do a few specials a year on the OWN network that focus on bringing people together from varying backgrounds, whether spiritual/religious or otherwise and help them to have a better understanding of each other or a deeper understanding of themselves.

    I’ve always understood why Tina and Oprah get along so well, they’re on the same wavelength and want to uplift and motivate others. Tina would be a great motivator for a platform such as Oprah’s which looks to not only empower all but makes an effort to look out after young and misguided woman.

    Whatever she decides to do in this chapter of her life, I know all us fans wish her the best.


  2. I am so happy for TT & Erwin, congratulations, may you both have a very successful marriage of marital bliss, Love, Respect, and Good Health.


  3. Anna Mae,(TT), & Erwin,
    Wishing You and Yours “All The Best”….
    May God,(Buddha), Bless You and Yours Today and Always.

    Well, It’s about time Tina..(I thought)?
    Erwin, You must be a Wonderful Companion.


  4. J’aurais aimé que Tina Turner se marie avec moi!!! Mais je lui souhaite tous mes meilleurs voeux pour son mariage avec Erwin Bach!
    Je suis désolé d’écrire en Français mais mon Anglais n’est pas symply the best 😉
    Je vous aime Tina!


  5. My Wildest Dream,
    I’m I tooo Late to even Ask.
    I Would love to have Oprah to pick me up,
    for Anna Mae & Erwin Wedding Party.
    That would be Awesome.(A Time To Remember).
    Erwin & Anna, All the Best…amen


      1. When was the Actual Married date?,
        where was there honeymoon..
        July21, is That just a Buddhist wedding party…w/friends.in Zurich.
        Do I have this right?


      2. Yes they got married a few weeks ago in a very discreet ceremony at Kusnacht’s Town Hall, just signing legal papers. And last night, they had a buddhist ceremony and had a big party with friends!


      3. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

        Horoscope for Sun, 07/21/2013—The world is wide open to you today, Sagittarius, so take advantage of all the great things it has to offer. Even though you may not realize it, you have a loyal fan club developing in the wings. The things you say and do have a strong impact on others. This is a fantastic day to take charge and lead others who seem to be floundering. Your solid perspective will be an asset in every situation.
        July 21,2013….
        your welcome, girls love to read this stuff, Enjoy Tina!


  6. Congratulations to both of them! They’ve been together, for forever now. and they truly deserve all the greatness in life. And on their new chapter in life, as husband and wife. LOVE, TRUST and RESPECT to each other, have a LOT to do with it. And they’ve pretty much proven that already. Thanks guys for ALL the updates about TT’s life. I truly appreciate you two, ( Ben & Sjef) and all you do on this blog. More power to the two of you! 🙂


    1. Wish I was on the Wedding List?…
      I can dream….
      I really do Wish, Anna & Erwin, “All The Best”..
      *I think I have learned something about all of this;
      and plan to use it in my life as well, To do what, I want to do first…
      “IS To Know Yourself First”,….
      Not what others think YOU should do..
      But think about it, “Know Yourself” ,wow!
      With my life, not worried about the chain of boyfriend,marriage, family ect..
      “Me First”…..find out whom “I” am First., what is going to make me happy,
      for me…(not to hurt others in the process).
      and ,Not the other way around….
      (I have been down that road that Tina was on ,and it’s a train wreck).
      Now to apply it…what am I ,waiting for but, “MYSELF”
      You will be surprise of what you will Learn, about You. and others, when they can see the real you.
      you will amaze yourself.




  8. Hey there! I’ve been reading your Tina Turner Blog for some time now and finally to go ahead and give you a shout out from Atascocita Tx! Just wanted to mention keep up the excellent work!


  9. Great info! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us. I’m so happy for the both of them. They developed a true friendship which is way more important than just tying the knot. Good for them.


  10. I’m 62years and I was told I look early 40’s. You have always been a fan and I am happy Tina , that you have the greatest fan your Erwin.


  11. Congratulations to Tina & Erwin! Tina, I have admired you and loved your music for years. The first venue of a Tina Turner “live performance” was in Dallas, Texas at the Venetian Room (downtown Neiman Marcus store in Dallas, Texas. It was the Tina Turner comeback tour. The room was so small that I could have reached out to touch you. I was mesmerized….had the opportunity to see 4 more of your performances at various venues. I thrive on your music & energy…… Having spent time in India with the Buddhist monks, I feel a definite connection with you…..


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