TINA’s Next Chapter: ‘These Are My Glory Days. This. Now!’

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Last night, Tina Turner appeared on ‘Oprah’s Next Chapter’, her first televised interview since her retirement from the concert stage in 2009. The program focused mainly on her life after hanging up her dancing shoes: the gaining of Swiss citizenship , her Vogue cover and of course her recent marriage to long-time boyfriend Erwin Bach. In a rare public appearance, the newlywed Bach also sat down together with his wife to reflect on their 25 year relationship. Oprah Winfrey not only asked Tina about recent events, but also about Tina’s unhappy first marriage to Ike Turner. The rock star also looked back on her last ‘farewell’ tour in 2009. The question on everybody’s lips: will there be a return to the spotlights? While Tina didn’t give a definite ‘no’, it seems more unlikely than ever, with Tina claiming that during her last world tour she was often ‘tired of singing and dancing’. Continue reading for the most important topics discussed during the television show, as well as several clips.

Tina Turner on Oprah's Next Chapter
“Oprah knows to pull you out of retirement… and your honeymoon!” laughs Tina Turner as the show begins. Oprah starts with the topic of the moment: Tina Turner and Erwin Bach’s wedding. And the obvious question: Why at 73 did she feel the need to get married?

“I started consolidating. I got rid of the house in France, property in America. Everything that was costly, I got rid of.”  Not forgetting that “if something would happen in life, Erwin would have no say.”
Tina Turner weddingAnd of course, there was also something else to taking in account that Tina didn’t think of at first, if something happens to Erwin, she won’t get his money…

How hard was it to hang up those dancing shoes?

“Oprah, my friend, very easy, I wanted to retire and not worry. That’s what that tour did for me. At that moment, I had a revelation: I’m going home now. I’m going home, in a big way. Not just the house. I was going to a place where I decided for the last stage of my life where I wanted to be.”

On May 5th 2009, Tina ended her last tour in Sheffield,  was that final tour different from the others?

“Nobody ever knew how much I was tired of singing and dancing. It’s work! My body had started to react to working with high blood pressure. I started taking medication and it slowed me down. I couldn’t get into that second gear, to fly! I couldn’t hit my notes! Dammit, I wanted to hit those notes! I had to really fake those notes, somehow. But I managed it! It took every drop of life and energy out of me and it would take until next evening for me to restore that energy. So, I did nothing than that so I could complete, continue.” 

Even if it had been more than 35 years since Ike and Tina Turner separated, Oprah couldn’t help herself asking Tina how she felt about Ike at this stage of her life:

Tina Turner on Oprah's Next Chapter“I didn’t feel anything about Ike, whether he was dead or alive, at that time. It was twenty years. The memory was totally gone from my mind. So when I heard he had died, it was like hearing about a person I didn’t know anymore.”

What about her own death?

“Even when talking about when it’s time to go, to leave to another planet. I’m excited about that, because I’m curious! I’m not excited to die, but I don’t regret it when it’s time for me! I’ve done what I came here to do. Now it’s pleasure.” Tina Turner says her happiness and serenity are due to to the fact that she “found happiness for myself, and I think it is because I desire nothing!”

How do you get to the space where you desire nothing?

“First it is a journey. You’re born, and then you go through the journey and then you leave the journey. How you manage the journey is very important. I stayed on track, I stayed on course. I had a wish: my wish was to arrive here, where I am today. I’m happier than I ever imagined what happiness was! Happiness was always material things. A feeling comes over you of wellness, no schedule, nobody bothering you, nothing in your way. Just that moment of you sitting there where you want to be.”

Earlier this year, Tina became a Swiss citizen, Oprah asked her why she relinquished her US citizenship:

“I feel totally safe there, I like how the Swiss are living. I felt like I had finished living in America.”

And when Erwin Bach is asked to join the two ladies here is what he has to say:

“I didn’t read the book (I, Tina), it’s hard to hear, read the past of a person you love when this comes up so I’ve always think that Tina one day will erase this. I think it’s time to close the book, to close the chapter and I am sure after this interview she will!”

Watch the full interview here! A big thanks to Laurel for providing  it to the fans worldwide!







79 Replies to “TINA’s Next Chapter: ‘These Are My Glory Days. This. Now!’”

  1. i knew it. Always felt that last tour was almost too much for her. I truly hope she never gives into the pressure to tour again. Enjoy life and maybe record a fabulous new album someday 🙂


    1. Anne Mae/Tina,
      Thank You for for Being You….
      Sharing your Life, and Experiences, opening my eyes to all new desires.
      “If there was anything You Truly wanted to say/share to the world”,
      What would that be???
      Enjoy Your Retirement/Relax with Erwin,
      May God Bless You & Yours Always,


  2. Tears welled up a couple of times as I watched it, not only for how she lived her life, but also because what she feels now and what has happened to her is almost me. My fiance is 20 years younger than I am, and in fact, he asked me to marry him after Tina got married and in almost the same way as Erwin proposed to her when she was 50 with: I want married with you. (the “with ” may be an English is a second language thing, but it sounds so endearing). I said yes and that will happen when I return this winter I have been to Europe enough (and even lived there in 2007) to know that this is the place I want to be, for I too feel safe there, as well as I prefer the culture. BUT unlike Tina, I cannot afford to do so, plus I would miss my grandchildren too much. But with that said, it is nice to know that this last part of our lives are similar as I have always looked up to this marvelous woman and marvelous talent. I know the two of them will be very happy.


    1. Wow, that’s a nice story! Thanks for sharing it with us Linda! Wishing you all the best with your new husband, age doesn’t matter as long as you are happy! Long live to your couple and thanks for visiting our Tina Turner Blog!


    1. A beautiful house and flabbergasting surprise! I(Ben) was so sure she would never sell that house and when the rumors about it started a few months ago i wouldn’t believe it. Apparently i was wrong, mea culpa.
      Living in France i know how life can be expensive. Especially in that area, the local taxes are insane ( and maybe the new socialist gov has smthg to do with that decision) and the maintenance bills for the house must be out of this world.
      So i guess that’s a huge cut in the expenses for Tina and Erwin!
      Thanks for commenting Shaka!


  3. Thanks for keeping all the fans updated on what is going on with Tina and sharing this so those without access can see the interview! You guys do an awesome job! I appreciate you!


  4. Thank you! I simply adore this blog and i want TINA TURNER BACK!!! She looks fantastic for 73! She is the queen or rock and she can sing whatever she want people will still come to see her!


  5. Je suis inscrite depuis peu sur votre blog, et je suis ravie de vos informations et de l’énorme travail que vous réalisez pour nous faire vivre notre passion pour Tina Turner.
    Merci de votre synthèse concernant l’interview chez Oprah car j’ai quelques difficultés à suivre une conversation en Anglais car je suis FRENCH !!!!
    Je souhaiterai vous soumettre une proposition :
    pourquoi ne prendrions nous pas contact avec son manager ou avec Tina Turner directement pour lui proposer de faire un CONCERT PRIVE, avec les chansons de son choix, rythme cool même sans danser ?
    Car je comprends qu’à 73 ans elle ne puisse plus donner la même énergie que durant tous les concerts auxquels nous avons assisté.
    Un CONCERT PRIVE financé par nous les FANS, dans une salle de son choix en Suisse, en France ou en Europe proche de chez elle.
    Je pense que nous sommes suffisamment de FANS en Europe ou dans le Monde à vouloir la revoir, nous serions prêt à investir quelques euros pour vivre ce moment une dernière fois avec TINA.


    1. Bonjour Valérie et merci pour ton commentaire!
      L’idée est alléchante bien sûr mais si il y a une chose que j’ai appris à travers les années avec Tina Turner, c’est qu’il est quasiment impossible de rentrer en contact avec elle…Un concert privé serait fantastique mais si on considère que Tina à reçu près de 1 millions d’euros pour chanter 2 chansons au Danemark en 2005, je n’ose imaginer le tarif pour un concert complet…
      Mais sait on jamais, peut-être reviendra t’elle un jour pour une petite série de concerts ou un nouvel album, elle est toujours pleine de surprises…
      Enfin bref, qui vivra verra…
      A nouveau merci pour ton com’ Valerie et si dans le futur tu as besoin de traduction particulière concernant le blog, n’ hésite pas!


  6. There are a few things that got my attention: I still don’t get it that she had sex with Ike just after he beat her the first time, just don’t get it.
    Secondly I was surprised that her last tour was very much about financial security (charity, her sons) I thought she had money enough.
    And for Erwin: ‘do you want to marry with me’ does not sound that strange for Dutch people, we say exactly that: ‘wil je met me trouwen?’
    In Dutch, we also never say ‘Mr & Mrs Erwin Bach’, that sound weird to us. We say ‘Mr & Mrs Bach, Mr & Mrs Jansen’ or whatever and Tina would be called Mrs. Tina Bach- Bullock.


    1. To reply to your question about why she had sex with Ike after he beat her, I actually thinks he made her, raped her but she did not want to open another chapter about abussive Ike Turner. She wanted to close the final chapter of her life in the business with clarity and happiness not add more dirt to the pot to be stirred by the media. I think he forced himself on her. This is just my personal opinion.


  7. Now i understand why tina turner renounces her citizenship…Still love her to bit! Thanks for the recap and for the great work!


  8. Watching it again on my dvr. I’ll probably watch it over and over. 🙂 I’m sooo happy for both of them. And I learned quite a few things from this interview. This chapter of her life is really AMAZING! Thanks guys for the round up of this interview.


  9. Thank you so much Ben&Sjef!
    The interview is awesome, I had tears in my eyes. Tina is adorable for her life and her attitude – I admire her so much.


  10. Queen Tina Turner, i am so proud of her, what she has done with her life, her children, her new husband, she is simply the best!
    Just wished she would come back with a new album in 2014 or this year but i guess that’s too late already for 2013 🙂
    Thanks Ben & Sjef !


  11. Once again guys, you have out done yourself. I saw the interview and I was emotional through out the whole thing. I love Tina as a person, a performer, a singer a actress and a force that no one can compare to. Thanks for the recap.


  12. I got the impression while she acknowledges that the last tour wore her out, she still finds joy in performing. Just listening to her talk about the crane and seeing peoples faces. I wish that she knew that we would accept her in a dress singing. Though, I don’t know how long she could sit still 🙂


    1. I hope someone reads her the comment of the blog to show her how many people are willing and curious to see Tina Turner coming back on stage for a concert or two!


  13. When I feel that I need to think about positive or that I need to move ahead, Tina comes to my mind. Tina has been taking me beyond. I like it 🙂


  14. at 19:47 tina said; i might do something and Oprah started about performing proud mary. i wonder what tina would have said when she wasn’t interrupted. small venues / recording or occasional appearances? What do you think?


  15. I watched it a few more times today. I just love the part when Erwin came, and says I asked the question wrong. “Will you marry WITH me? And when Tina says, it was cute though darlin’. Very candid. She needs to do more interviews. I really think she needs to atleast record 1 more cd/album. As much a I want her to enjoy retirement, the fan side of me still wants to hear her sing new songs. Or just do more public appearances. Thats all. 🙂 Finger crossed. 🙂


  16. Thanx B&S for this update. I saw the interview yesterday and it was SO great to see Tina again. I was VERY surprised that her fantastic house in France was sold.. BUT the most fantastic thing , for me, was the part of Tina telling about last tour and her life now.
    I am 98 % sure that Tina will not make a tour in the future, but think a few records and MAYBE a few concerts with unplugged Tina songs. And if not .. TINA YOU DESERVE TO DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, if thats what you need and want 🙂


    1. I like the ‘MAYBE a few concerts with unplugged TIna songs’ part! But of course now that she secures herself financially it’s difficult to imagine her coming back… Add it that she is f***g tired of it… But she surprised us in the past (of course she was younger) so i’ll just say once again my favorite quote concerning Tina Turner: “Qui vivra verra”!
      Thanks for visiting and commenting Sonny!


  17. Thanks for the great interview. It did bring tears to my eyes a few times. Tina always puts on an excellent show and covered up the fact that she found it challenging during her last tour. Tina is truly professional and such an inspiration to me. If Tina decides to tour again, I’m sure everyone would be happy with however she chose to present herself. I’m so happy she is enjoying life, she deserves it.


    1. She surprised a lot of people to see Tina that honest and candid. She doesn’t have to prove anything anymore so she just can be herself. Let’s her enjoying her life and whatever she decides will be fine with us!
      Thanks for your comment Faye!


  18. It was a great interview.. Tina does seem happy. Personally i would like to see some sort of CD or Tour.. but have to admit.. if she is tired.. & she is happy now.. she needs a break. Life is short.. she should enjoy. Relax, help your charities. When the school is complete.. i will travel to TN. 🙂


    1. Hey Rodney, thanks for visiting and commenting. We’ll post some informations about Tina’s school next week on the blog. And of course let’s cross fingers for something fresh from Miss Tina in one way or another!


  19. Hi Sjef & Ben,
    Maybe you guys, just didn’t realize the consequences on my data, but one of you, should have touched base with me, before you had linked the interview…
    Even though, no hard feelings!!!


    1. Oh sorry Elle, my mistake (Ben), i totally forgot to ask with all that rush…. but of course we can remove the link if it’s taking to much date on the ITTF!
      Sorry again and thanks for putting it online!


    2. OHH Jesus!
      Did YOU own anything about that interview? Anyone could have send a link for it! I thought it was just GREAT that the best Tina site have a link that fast to help us Tina fans that was not able to see it. If it was me I would just be glad to share it with all Tina fans.


  20. Make our own personal happiness . That’s what she did and that’s what we can do . It’s not always about money , it’s how you live . Amazing insight into Tina . Wish her the best. We are going to miss Tina strutting her stuff . But what dignity and grace love it . The thought she will not be here with us one day makes me choke up …but we will be dancing in our dreams . Love you Tina !


    1. In those days of financial crisis almost worldwide, even if you are Tina Turner you better pay attention to everything you spend. She can always come back if needed but it seems that she made sure this time that she doesn’t have to work anymore.
      Thanks Jorge!


  21. The interview was great, Tina revealing her innermost thoughts and feelings to Oprah and the world. I’d like to thank her for that. Thank You, Tina! And thank you, Ben and Sjef, for sharing her with us via this blog.

    Bottom line, a once-a-year, or once every-other-year concert would be awesome; nothing high-energy or demanding, just Tina singing a few ballads each. Let’s let her rest for a while, rejuvenate, and I think she’ll miss us too, and want to come back to do ‘something’. It’s in her DNA.

    And when it’s time to open her museum in Nutbush, please do let us know well in advance.


    1. Hi Vivian, thanks for visiting and commenting! We’ll post some informations about Tina’s school next week on the blog. And of course let’s cross fingers for something fresh from Miss Tina in one way or another!


  22. Hello Ben & Sjef,
    As soon as I get a warning from the provider that I am using too much data, I will let you guys know. Right now it is OK, for as long as it lasts.


  23. Why people keep asking her about touring, but nobody ever seems to ask her about a new album. Sjef and Ben, if u r invited to a press conference when the new Beyond album comes out, ask her why she doesn’t consider recording any new material. Tell her we don’t care what she records, we just love to hear new material with her fantastic voice 🙂 She can do it like Private Dancer, all done in 2 weeks 🙂


  24. Saw the interview last Sunday…loved it…loved the discussion…and happy that Tina’s found her “nirvana”.

    Honestly, I think many know (from previous comments) what I want from this beauty of a Lady: And I TOTALLY thought of my idea when she talked about “coming back in a different way”…and Tina, I wanted to scream to you through the TV, “Yes!!! NO, Tina, you’re SO wrong! The fans will TOTALLY accept you coming on stage in a glamorous dress/and or gown and sing your old and NEW tunes. I can’t believe that WE seem to have better notions about what could be next for Ms. Turner/Mrs. Bach’s than others in her inner circle. I’d like to know the ratings for this interview. I have a feeling it might be one of her highest-rated shows on her network. AND she did look VERY GOOD at 73! Between this interview and the Vogue cover (WHY THE HELL WASN’T IT DONE INTERNATIONALLY ON EVERY VOGUE MAGAZINE!!!), 2014 BETTER include some photo shoots, film work, AND that album that SO NEEDS to be recorded and released.

    @Lasse, I love that you made reference to her PRIVATE DANCER era. It is amazing to think that that LP took 2 (whirlwind) weeks (and $250,000 dollars) to record, though the set-up was started as early as 1983, when she started recording songs that ended up being on the LP and/or B-sides. I think 2 weeks would be a little too quick for the JAZZ album, since my wishlist has so many contributors and and collaborators that have to generate their own music to the project.

    I still say:

    1st Performance:
    Royal Albert Hall: Perform in a series of gorgeous dresses, wraps, capes, etc. and some of the classic Tina gear, and sing all of the new tunes from the LP, plus MANY of the highlights from the 1960s thru 2000, particularly emphasizing the jazzier tunes (BUT DEFINITELY NOT OVERLOOKING ALL OF THE GREAT ROCK AND POP CLASSICS FROM THE 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s) she’s done over the years.

    2nd Performance:
    Radio City Hall: Ditto.

    Tina, sweetie, honey, you just pick certain key places all around the globe and you play your new album, and your glorious classic stuff, and your “string” of concerts will be known as “happenings” (1960s/70s ref.), not as concert dates. It will be great, it will be fun, and you will dazzle and shine in your 6th decade of recording/performing.

    Love you, Rock N Roll Queen.


      1. Correction, Jeremy: I want her to rest as much as she wants and needs. I also, in 2014, want her to start planning the “next move”. I’ve never thought of Ms. Turner as a machine that just works and works. That’s why I want her to take her time (or “nice and easy”). Cull some great writers, have them slowly come up w/ the material, then steadily record the music. Then take a break. Then plan the series of concerts where and when she wishes to do them. Then have Armani and Co. design some beautiful outfits to wear. Again, this is not a “tour”; they are “happenings”: planned random concert shows (I don’t want her stressed to the point of having to take high blood pressure meds, believe me) at her discretion. The way she looks at 73, she needs to have some photo-mag want her image on or inside their releases. It would also be nice if the right film script showed up on her door, to resume her acting desires.

        Trust me, Jeremy: She DEFINITELY earned her rest, for the rest of her life if she wants. BUT, as she stated in the interview, she’s well aware the impact her singing, recording, acting, and performing means to the public at large. She will have no problem returning in her Silver and Gold Era. And Jazz would be perfect for her still-powerful voice, and a great new chapter in her recording life. But, her marriage and her personal happiness comes first. All of this fun for us depends on how much of herself and her time she wishes to take from her own personal life.


  25. that picture where she looks out the window when guests are arriving is amazing. she would be great in a costume drama or downton abbey 🙂


    1. Well funny enough, Ismael Merchant was supposed to direct the Godess was from the famous Merchan-Ivory production. And they are well know for their “films d’époques” like “Returns to Howard Ends” or “The Remains of the Day”… so like you said, Tina would have perfectly fit for her role.
      Thanks for commenting Lasse!


      1. Remains of the days is one of my all time favorite movies. that was the biggest disappointment for me in her whole career, that The Goddess didn’t happen. that would have been the change in career that she was looking for. instead we got another greatest hits 😦


      2. Lasse, I feel the exact same way you do. I really was looking forward to seeing Tina get a headlining starring role in a movie in the 2000s, so we could really see what her acting abilities would be in a rather different role from what she’d done so far. The fact that she recorded a series of original songs for the soundtrack, and was physically prepared to do the shoot, it’s tragic that the death of the director/producer cancelled it. It would have been the transition she was looking for in her career. I still hold out hope that she may yet star in that film. Fingers crossed.


      3. I (Ben) ‘ve said this story a thousand time and i don’t mean to show off but when i met Tina in Nov. 2004 i talked to her about the movie, how much i was exited by the story and the project, wished her good luck with the recording of the songs and she replied that ‘it was great and that she was practicing the sanskrit and recording the songs”.
        Now that Ismael Merchant passed away i don’t see how the project would come back to life since it was all in his head, it was his own vision. Still, the “songs” or mantras, whatever that is, exists somewhere and this is my Graal 😉


  26. I read on Huffington Post that Tina told Oprah IF she ever toured again, the audience would need to expect a very different show with less energy. I’ve never been able to see Tina live, and I think it would be ELEGANT if the show was even just one piano and Tina. That’s all we would need. She is fabulous, and that would be really beautiful. I would really like to be kept informed of any tour dates in the Midwest or Mid-south. Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Indianapolis. Anywhere near me, I would love to go.


    1. Great writing Corey! I and a lot of other fans share that same feeling! Tina Turner come back with a new album. 2014 is the year! 30th anniversary of Private Dancer can’t be not celebrated!


      1. This could be something easy to do for Roger Davies… a re edition of Private Dancer with outtakes, docu or smthg… I guess as long as Tina doesn’t have to be involved it’s fine with her. I hope Roger has a plan for Tina’s legacy!


  27. There was too much repetitive information in the interview, but I loved seeing Tina and Oprah together and the chemistry between them both.

    Tina has long told us she had been tired of performing. I remember when Mike Wallace interviewed her and she said that she “was pleased with the journey” adding that she was “perfectly fine if I never went on stage again.” I believed her then and I believe her now. I think she made a way for herself to never have to.

    Getting rid of the home in Villefranche, and properties in America including Beverly Hills I think she shored up her finances pretty tight and she can still live the jet-set life of a wealthy and deserving woman.

    I truly PRAY she never returns to the stage again. The blueprint/mold that she’s made cannot be duplicated. She is an original and one of a kind. She left at the top of the game and for her to comeback and diminish any part of her legacy in old age is unnecessary and selfish for fans to ask.

    I saw in the interview a woman who after 50 plus years in the entertainment business was ready to close the curtain and walk away from the glitz and just enjoy life with her love. It was Tina who said in her “One Last Time” concert DVD behind-the-scenes feature that “Leave the party before it’s over.”

    I think we’ve all been blessed beyond to be able to experience her within our lifetime. There will never be anyone like her and the fact we were able to share a part of that life is remarkable.


  28. So many lessons from this interview. Each topic can teach something. And Tina being so honest about so many personal issues… It’s inspiring.


  29. ENJOY ! My Lady….been with you since a very young age,jamming all the way ! You are my Idol and Hero….you helped me through a bad several years of that Beat your Wife life ’cause it makes you a MAN. Survived and have a great life with a great man now . Please have a Great rest of your life and Thankyou again so very much ! Love and Respect very much !Tari


  30. I would like to comment on Tina’s response to becoming a Swiss citizen. It did come as a surprise to me when the news came out that she was going to relinquish her American citizenship and become a Swiss one. Her response to Oprah’s question was “I feel totally safe there, I like how the Swiss are living. I felt like I had finished living in America.” A perfectly acceptable answer – perhaps? I think the truth is nearer to the fact that there is even to date a huge problem between The States and Switzerland. Why? Swiss banks are forced to freeze bank accounts of American citizens living in Switzerland. The States are thinking they are entitled to tax payments from their citizens living abroad and are forcing this onto foreign countries in particular Switzerland! I believe the true reason behind Tina’s decision to change citizenship lies behind this issue more than anything else. If I would have been in her situation I think I would have done exactly the same! After all if you don’t like something in your life get rid of it. Long live Tina!


  31. Simply loved this interview. She ended her career in her own terms and with a bag. Love her and that cute hand Fan of hers. Wonder where I can acquire one…


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